Saturday, February 13, 2010

Bacterial Vaginosis From Adipex Could I Have Gottten Bacterial Vaginosis From My Partner?

Could i have gottten bacterial vaginosis from my partner? - bacterial vaginosis from adipex

I went to the doctor and he prescribed Cleocin Cream is used by bacteria for 7 days, I received my patner vaginosis.could? Nas is a sexual disease transmitter? cleocin no one uses it? Thank you.


Kellie said...

N is a bacterial infection, not an STD. Think of the bacteria in nature, where it is normal. If you deleted the wrong way and got into the doo doo Whoo yah maybe that's what he did. There are other possibilities. Not sure how your partner though. I had to use something like a 1-day treatment, but if I had a bacterial infection.

Princess N said...

Yes, my doc said no, but I know my body. I was in the treatment of 7 days, then he went on vacation. I was away from my BF about 3 weeks and I when we meet, I did it again. I Broke with him for 3 months and did not happen that once more. She said the doctor, not an STD, but could be. I cleo, but I think it also helps homeopathic medicine. Take folic acid every day. 2 tablets per day with cottage cheese or low-fat yogurt. I moved all my soaps, Decree belts and underwear made of cotton. I know this is a great disadvantage in his life, and every woman. Ask a lot of research on natural resources. Use of natural resources as much as possible, because antibiotics are good for constant use. HasR BF will be reviewed as a precaution. Good luck!

Daisy said...

Heres a link that a big help for you: I also had bacterial vaginosis, but argues that this website does not yet understand what causes it.

chante said...

BV is an imbalance of bacteria in the vagina, not a sexual disease, and men do not suffer .... its contract with soap or shower gels and creams, especially if Douch or down (using soap in ur vagina), women whose use of detergent and a mild soap, ur vagina has its own bacteria, which help keep clean, continued to suffer not the highest scented products or U to.

Avodah said...

Wow, there are people here who believe that men do not have bacteria, should be in your hmm. It is a bacterial failry common for women, you can see a few things, including the reasons mentioned above ... However, you can get from your husband if it was not very clean, not washing hands prior to UM to play, etc., or "other" sexual activity is likely to be transmitted bacterial heavy loads are to be very careful (I talking all that the back door or several partners, including w / out a good cleaning).

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